Can’t find someone on the census??
It may be down to the enumerator’s spelling.
If you can’t find….
Aram then try Aaron
Barton try Banton
Beardow try Beardall
Beniston try Veneson
Bonsall try Bonser
Burrows try Buruws
Cowlishaw try Coulishaw
Eyre try Ayre
Dean try Dane … and vice versa
Dutton try Dolton
Fulwood try Fullard
Grose try Gorse…. and vice versa
Grimley try Grimbley or Grimly
Hague try Agues
Hallsworth try Allsworth
Hesketh try Hasketh
Horridge try Orridge
Hufton try Houghton or Hofton
Lathbury try Lafberry
Meakin try Machin
Oldham try Holdam
Otter try Hotter
Orchard try Orcher
Salsbury try Solsbury
Saunders try Sanders
Staples try Stables
Starbrook try Starbuck
Stirland try Stelland, Stolland or Sturland
Syson try Sison
Thornley try Thornhill
Towle try Tool
Wathey try Wathew or Watthey
Webster try Whebster
Winfield try Whinfield
All these occur on the census.
In addition there are many other surnames which show a variety of alternative spellings, many involving an additional letter or a random double letter. For example…
Beardsley and Beardsly
Bennett, Bennet and Bennitt
Brentnall and Brentnal
Cresswell and Creswel
Ebrey and Ebery
Hirst and Hurst
Ledbeter, Leabeter, Lebeter and Leebeter
Pucell and Purcel
Roliston, Rolliston and Rolleston
Skeavington, Skevington and Skevinton
Trueman, Trewman and Truman.