Index to the Grand Tour and Site Guide.

Grand Tour Index

A – C D – I J – R S – Z
Adcock Dalby House Jack Lee's Yard Samuel Smith Bank
Aked Dame schools Jones Sanders
Albion Place 1 Davies Jonty Trot Scattergood 1
Albion Place 2 Dawson Junction Scattergood 2
Aldred 1 Daykin Kelly Scattergood 3
Aldred 2 Daykin family Kester Harrison School Board
Aldred 3 Daykin's Row King's Head 1 School teachers
Aldred 4 Derbyshire 1 King's Head 2 Schools
Aldred 5 Disease Knighton Sewage
Aldred 6 Doctors Lally Shakspeare
Allcock Dodd Laudanum Shaw 1
Alms Houses Doxey Lee 1 Shaw 2
Anchor Inn 1 Dupe Lee 2 Shaw 3
Anchor Inn 2 Durham Ox Liberal Club Shaw 4
Anchor Row Eaton Lighting 1 Shaw 5
Anthony Ebbern Lighting 2 Shaw 6
Argyle Ebenezer Chapel Local Board Sir John Warren
Armstrong Ebsworth London House Skevington
Askew Education Lowe 1 Small
Attenborough 1 England Lowe 2 Smith (Stanton Road)
Attenborough 2 Evans 1 Lowe 3 Smith murder
Attenborough 3 Evans 2 Lowe 4 Smith the draper
Back Lane Evans 3 Lower Market Place Smith's Cottages
Bailey 1 Extension Street Machin South Street
Bailey 2 Eyre Manor House Sowray
Baker Eyre (Vicar) Market Inn Spencer
Ball 1 Farmer Market Place 1801 Spring Cottage beerhouse
Ball 2 Farnsworth Market Place 1851 St Mary's Church
Ball 3 Fiddler Joss Marshall 1 Stanton Road
Ball's Yard Finch Marshall 2 Stanton Road Cemetery
Baptist Chapel Fire Brigade Marshall 3 Station Road
Baptist Chapel graveyard Fish Martin Straw
Barker 1 Fletcher 1 Mason 1 Straw (Extension Street)
Barker 2 Fletcher 2 Mason 2 Straw (Nottingham Road)
Barker 3 Fletcher 3 Mather Straw (Stanton Road)
Bartlam Flinders 1 McKenna Straw (Workhouse Hill)
Bath Street Flinders 2 Meadows Straw's Bridge
Baths Flinders' Row Meakin Sudbury 1
Beardsley (Bath Street) Flint 1 Mee Sudbury 2
Beardsley 1 Flint 2 Mellor Sudbury 3
Beardsley 2 Flint 3 Merry Sudbury 4
Beaumont Flower Pot Miner's Arms Sudbury 5
Bell Football Mitchell 1 Sudbury 6
Bell-ringers Foster Mitchell 2 Sugg
Belper Street Fox 1 Moon Sunday schools
Beniston Fox 2 Moore Tapley
Beniston family Fretwell Moss Tarlton
Bennett Fritchley 1 Mundy Arms Tatham 1
Birch 1 Fritchley 2 Nag's Head Tatham 2
Birch 2 Frost Nag's Head landlords Taylor 1
Birch family Frost family Neal Taylor 2
Bonfire night Gallimore 1 Needlemakers' Arms Thompson
Bonsall Gallimore 2 New Inn Three Horse Shoes
Bostock 1 Garrett New Street Tilson 1
Bostock 2 Gas Company Noon 1 Tilson 2
Bostock 3 Gas Works Noon 2 Tilson 3
Bostock's Row Gilbert Place Norman Toll Bar
Boughey Gladstone Inn Norman's premises Tomlinson 1
Bradley Gladstone Street Oakwell Colliery Tomlinson 2
Bramley Goddard 1 Oakwell Farm Tooth
Brand Goddard 2 Oakwell Fields Toplis 1
Brass Band Goddard 3 Oddfellows Toplis 2
Brentnall 1 Goddard 4 Old Harrow Inn Toplis 3
Brentnall 2 Goddard 5 Old Park Town Council
Brett Granby Schools Osborne Town Hall
Bridge House Green 1 Oxford Street Travellers' Rest Inn
Briggs Green 2 Padman Trueman 1
Brigham Gregory 1 Paxton Trueman 2
Bright Terrace Gregory 2 Pickburn Trueman's Court
Brown 1 Gregory 3 Pigsty Park Tunnicliffe
Brown 2 Gregory 4 Platts Turner
Brunswick Hotel Grimley Pleasant Place Turton 1
Brussels Terrace Hallam 1 Police station Turton 2
Bryan Hallam 2 Politics Twells
Building Society Harrison 1 Pollard Unitarian Chapel
Bull's Head Inn Harrison 2 Poole Upper Market Place
Bunting Harrison 3 Poplar Inn Volunteer Movement
Burgin Harrison 4 Post Office 1 Wade 1
Burgin-Richardson Harrison 5 Post Office 2 Wade 2
Burgin's Row Harrison 6 Potter 1 Wakefield
Burgin's Yard Harvey Potter 2 Wakefield's Yard
Burr Lane Havelock Inn Potter 3 Walker 1
Burrows 1 Hawkins Pottery Walker 2
Burrows 2 Hawley Potts 1 Walker 3
Burrows 3 Haynes Potts 2 Walls
Butt Henshaw Pressland 1 Wardle
Butter Market Henshaw (Bath Street) Pressland 2 Warner 1
Calladine Hickman Primitive Methodist Chapel Warner 2
Campbell 1 Higgett family Prince of Wales (Bath Street) Warren
Campbell 2 Higgitt 1 Prince of Wales (South Street) Wass
Candle making Higgitt 2 Pritchett Water supply
Carnill High Street Pulcifer Waters
Carrier (East Street) Highway Board Purcell Waterworks
Carrier (Enoch) Hinds Queen Street Wathey
Carrier (High Street) Hithersay 1 Queen's Head Inn Watson
Carrier (New Street) Hithersay 2 Railway stations Weaver Row
Carrier (Stanton Road) Hithersay 3 Railways Wesleyan Methodist Chapel 1
Carrier assistants Hives Raynes 1 Wesleyan Methodist Chapel 2
Carrier draper Hobson Raynes 2 Wesleyan Methodist Church (Bath Street)
Carrier property Hodgett Raynes 3 Wesleyan Sunday schoolrooms
Carthy Hodgkinson Regent Street West
Cartwright Hollis Religious census 1882 West Street
Catholic Church Holy Trinity Church Rice 1 Wheatley's Yard
Catholic Priests Holy Trinity Mission Rice 2 Wheatley
Chadwick 1 Hooley Rice 3 Wheeldon
Chadwick 2 Horridge Richards White Cow
Chadwick 3 Horsburgh Richardson 1 White Lion Inn
Chain Row Horse and Groom Inn Richardson 2 White's Yard
Chapel Street Horsley 1 Riley (Bath Street) Whitehead
Chester Horsley 2 Riley (New Street) Whysall
Childs Housing Riley 1 Wide Yard
Church Mutual Improvement Society Howard Riley 2 Wigley
Clarkson Hunger Hill Roads Wilkinson 1
Clay Hunt Robey Wilkinson 2
Club Row Hutchinson Robinson 1 Wilson 1
Cocker Ilkeston Charities Robinson 2 Wilson 2
Columbine Ilkeston chemists Rope Walk Wine Vaults
Cope 1 Ilkeston General Cemetery Rose 1 Wombell
Cope 2 Ilkeston Leader Rose 2 Wombell scandel
Cope 3 Ilkeston Mechanics' Institute Rutland Arms Wood 1
Cotmanhay Lodge Ilkeston News Wood 2
Cottage hospital Ilkeston Pioneer Woodruffe
Court Incorporation Wooley
Cresswell Independent Chapel Woolliscroft
Cricket Independent Chapel ministers Workhouse
Cricket Ground Irish residents Workhouse Hill
Cricket Ground chapel Ironmonger Wragg
Crooks Wright


Supplementary Index (February 28th, 2025)

Adams  Adkin  Adlington  Adoption  Adsetts  Albany Street  Albert Street  Aldred 7  Aldred 8  Aldred 9  Allotments  Allsebrook  Amusements  Andrew  Argile  Assistant Overseer  Atkin  Attenborough 4  Australia 1  Australia 2  Australia 3
Bacon  Bailey 3  Bainton  Ball 1  Ball 2  Ball 3  Ballooning  Band of Hope  Barker 4  Barker 5  Barker’s Yard  Bath Street Terrace  Beardow  Beardsley 3  Beardsley 4  Beardsley 5  Beardsley 6  Beaureper  Beauty Spot  Beighton  Belton  Bendigo  Beniston 1  Beniston 2  Beniston Place  Bestwick  Bethel Street  Binney  Birch 3  Black Hills House  Blake 1  Blake 2  Blake Street  Bland  Blaxall Report 1881  Blood  Blount  Boam  Bonsall 1  Bonsall 2  Bonser  Bostock 4  Bostock 5  Bostock 6  Bostock 7  Bourne  Brealey 1  Brealey 2  Brewer  Brewin  Brickmakers  Bridge Inn  Brocklehurst 1  Brocklehurst 2  Brotherhood  Brown 3  Buchanan Report 1870  Bull Street  Burials  Burr Lane
Campbell 3  Canal Side  Canal Street  Cantilupe  Carr Street  Carrier (John junior)  Carrier (John senior)  Carroll 1  Carroll 2  Carroll 3  Cartwright 2  Caunt  Cemetery  Chapel Street Lower  Charities  Chaucer Street Schools  Cheetham  Children’s Charter  Chilwell House  Cholera  Church Army 1  Church Army 2  Churchwarden  Clarence Street  Clark  Coat of Arms  Coffee House 1  Coffee House 2  Colliers’ Cemetery  Colliers’ Strike  Commercial Hotel  Common 1  Common 2  Common 3  Conservative Miners’ Union  Cooke 1  Cooke 2  Cope 4   Copley  Cordon  Coronation 1911  Corporation Street 1   Corporation Street 2    Cotmanhay  Cotmanhay Chapels  Cotmanhay Church 1  Cotmanhay Church 2  Cotton Mill 1  Cotton Mill 2  Craddock  Cresswell 2  Cricket Terrace  Cricketers’ Arms 1  Cricketers’ Arms 2  Critchley 1  Critchley 2  Crompton  Crompton and Evans 1  Cromwell Buildings  Currier
Dale Abbey 1  Dale Abbey 2  Dame schools  Daykin 2  Derby Arms  Derbyshire  Doctors 2  Dolly Shop  Duro
Eaton 2 Ebbern 1  Ebbern 2  Ebenezer Chapel  Electric lighting  Ellis  Enclosure  Enclosure Map  Erewash Hotel Eubule Evans 1   Eubule Evans 2  Evans 4  Evan’s Row  Exchange  Eyre 2
Felkin  Female Friendly Club  First Avenue  Fiddler Joss  Fisher  Flamstead Road  Fleming  Fletcher 4  Fletcher 5  Fletcher 6  Flint  Fogg  Foster 1  Foster 2  Fox  Frame-working  Fretwell 2  Fritchley 3  Fullwood 1  Fullwood 2
Gaffney 1  Gaffney 2  Gallows Inn  Gallows Inn Close  Galtee House  Gauntley Map 1  Gauntley Map 2  Gauntley Map 3  Gauntley Map 4  General Election  Gibson   Gilbert   Gilchrist Lectures 1887  Gillam  Gladstone Schools  Glossop  Goddard 6  Golf  Gordon Street  Grady  Grebby  Green 3  Green 4  Greenhough  Gregory 1  Gregory 2  Grimley 2  Grove Terrace
Hardy   Harrison 7  Harrison 8  Harrison 9  Hall 1  Hall 2  Hallam 3  Hallam Fields  Haslam 1  Haslam 2  Haslam 3  Hayes  Haywood  Health  Henshaw 1  Henshaw 2  Henshaw 3  Henshaw 4  Henshaw 5  Henshaw 6  Henshaw Place  Henson  Heron  Hilly Holies  Hobson 2  Holbrook  Hollingworth  Hollis 2  Holmdale  Holmes 1  Holmes 2  Home Reading Movement  Hooley 2  Horridge 2   Horse Races  Horton  Hospital  Howe  Hudson 1  Hudson 2  Hufton  Hunt 2  Hutchinson  Hyslop
Ilkeston Cotton Mill 1  Ilkeston Cotton Mill 2  Ilkeston Floral and Horticultural Society  Ilkeston Gallows  Ilkeston Mayors 1  Ilkeston Mayors 2  Ilkeston M.P.  Indian Rebellion  Inglewood 1  Inglewood 2
Jack the Ripper  Jackson 1  Jackson 2  Jackson 3  Jackson 4  Jackson 5  Jackson Avenue  Jimmy Dupe  John Street  Johnson 1  Johnson 2  Johnson 3  Johnson 4  Johnson 5  Johnson 6  Johnson 7  Jonty Dido  Journeyman  Jubb  Jubilee 1   Jubilee 2   Jubilee 3    Justice Rooms
Kilford 1  Kilford 2  Kilham  King Street  Knighton 2 Knighton 3
Lally 1  Lally 2   Larklands  Lebeter 1   Lebeter 2   Lebeter 3  Leivers  Liberal Club 2   Library   Licensed Victuallers’ Association  Lifeboat Saturday Movement  Lissett 1   Lissett 2   Lissett 3   Local Board Map  Lodging House  Longdon  Lord Haddon Road  Lucas
Magic Lantern  Malin House  Malt Making  Maltby 1  Maltby 2  Mangle  Manners  Manor Ground  Marine Store 1  Marine Store 2  Market Place 1866  Marples   Martin 2  Mayfield  McCarthy  Meakin 2  Meer  Mellor 2  Mellors Merry 2  Middleton  Middleton Street  Mill Street   Mitchell 3  Moore 2  Moresby  Mount Row  Moxon  Music Hall
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children  Neebe  Netherlea  New Connexion  New Inn 2  Night Soil  Nottingham Joint Stock Bank 1  Nottingham Joint Stock Bank 2  Nottingham Joint Stock Bank 3   Nottingham Machinists’ Co
Off-Licence Association  Old Park Recreation area  Orchard House Orton
Painter’s Colic 1  Painter’s Colic 2   Paling  Palmer  Park Avenue  Park Cemetery 1  Park Cemetery 2  Park Road  Parkin 1  Parkin 2  Paton  Pepper 1  Pepper 2  Photographs  Phrenology  Pledge Street  Pollard 2  Pollard 3  Potter 4  Potter 5  Potteries  Pratt  Providence Place  Public Baths 1  Public Baths 2  Public Houses 1  Public House 2  Pursglove
Quinn  Quiz
Railway Hotel 1  Railway Hotel 2  Revill 1  Revill 2  Rice 4  Richards 2  Richards 3  Richards 4  Riley 4  Riley 5  Riley’s Yard  Ripley Cottage  Robinson 3  Ritualism 1  Ritualism 2  Robin Movement  Robinson 4  Roe’s Charity  Rope Walk  Rose 3  Rose 4  Rowley  Royal Oak  Rupert Street   Rutland Cottage Inn  Rutland Cricket Club  Rutland Foundry
Salvation Army 1  Salvation Army 2  Savage  Scale & Salter  School photos 1  School photos 2  Scott  Scrap Yard  Sea View  Second Avenue   Sewage System  Severn  Severn’s Yard  Shaw 7  Shaw 8   Shaw 9  Shaw 10  Shaw 11  Sheldon  Shipstone Street   Siddons  Simpon 1  Simpson 2  Sisson’s Yard  Skeavington  Skevington 1  Skevington 2  Slack  Slater  Smallpox  Smedley  Smith 1  Smith 2  Smith’s Bank 1  Smith’s Bank 2  Socialists  Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children  South Street 2  Spencer 2  Spouge  Spowage 1  Spowage 2  Spray  Spring Grove Terrace  St Bartholomew’s Church  St John Ambulance Association  St John’s Church  Stackyard  Stanley House  Stanton Iron Works  Star Tea Company  Station Road Chapel  Stirland 1  Stirland 2  Stockley Yard 1  Stockley Yard 2  Stocks 1  Stocks 2  Sudbury 7  Sudbury 8  Suffragette  Suicide 1  Suicide 2  Sutton 1  Sutton 2  Sweep’s Yard  Swimming Baths
Tatham 3  Temperance  Temperance Eating House  Temperance Hall  Temperance Hotel  The Vines  Theatres 1  Theatres 2  Third Avenue  Thompson 2  Thompson 3  Thurman  Tobin  Tomasin  Tomlinson 3  Torr  Tottenham Hotspur  Town Clock 1  Town Clock 2  Town Council 2  Town Station  Town Street 1  Town Street 2  Tram system  Trueman 3   Trueman Villas  Truman’s Factory   Trumpet Inn 1  Trumpet Inn 2  Turnpike Trust  Turton
Vaccination  Vauxhall Gardens Vestry 1  Vestry 2  Vigilance Committee  Vines
Wade 3  Walls 2  War Office  Warner 3  Washing  Water Fountain 1  Water Fountain 2  Waters  Watkinson  Watson 2  Weaver Pool 1  Weaver Pool 2  Webster  Wesleyan Chapels  Wheeldon 2  Wheatley 2  Wheatley Row  White Lion Square  Whitehead 2  Whitehead 3  Whitt’s Yard 1  Whitt’s Yard 2  Widdowson  Wilson 3  Wilson 4  Windmill 1   Windmill 2  Winfield  Wombell 2  Wood  Wood Street  Wortley  Wright  Wyer & Co
York 2


Site Guide

The Grand Tour around Ilkeston …. based on the recollections of Adeline Wells which appeared in a series of letters written to the Ilkeston Advertiser in the 1930’s, describing her life in Ilkeston in the 1850’s onwards. The route of the tour begins at the bottom of Bath Street  (roughly where Heanor Road and Bath Street meet) and proceeds along its east side towards the Market Place exploring, in sequence, streets off our left such as Station Road, Chapel Street, East Street, Burr Lane and Albion Place. After a rest in the Market Place and a stroll into Pimlico we set off along the west side of South Street, walking towards Derby Road, with a detour into Queen Street and its environs. At the southern end of South Street we will then explore Derby Road, the Stanton Road area, Nottingham Road, Market Street and then the White Lion area before resuming along the east side of South Street, with a walk up Weaver Row, before returning into the Market Place. A stroll down the west side of Bath Street, taking in Mount Street and Club Row, will return us to our departure point where we will finally contemplate a few areas beyond Bath Street. For those of you not familiar with the streets of Ilkeston, the above remarks must be very confusing. The sketch maps above and below — not drawn to scale — hopefully shows the relative positions of these streets and features.

Adeline’s articles the collection written to the Advertiser in the 1930’s


Statistics of Victorian Ilkeston which may be of particular interest to family historians. 

These include … Census details for 1841, 1851 and 1861. Baptisms and births recorded in the Registers of … ……  the Presbyterian/Unitarian Chapel at the Old Meeting House in Anchor Row, in the registers of the Independent Chapel in Pimlico, ….  the Baptist Chapel in South Street, ….  the Ilkeston Circuit of the Wesleyan Chapel, …. the Primitive Methodist Chapel in Ilkeston and Shipley and Extracts from the Registers of Wesleyan Methodist Chapels at Nottingham, where they relate to Ilkeston

Civil Registration Births in Ilkeston from 1837 to 1901

Marriages at St. Mary’s Church, 1837-1881, and at Christ Church, Cotmanhay, 1848-1881

Deaths and burials, 1837-1881, and Burials at Stanton Road Cemetery, 1864-1881. Also a short selection of Memorial Cards, 1891-1931


Ilkeston Family Histories

Some Family histories several of which have been composed by other contributors …. Beardsley, Columbine, Dawson, Daykin, Hallam, Haslam, Haywood, Henshaw, Hollingworth, Ebbern, Johnson, Paling, Richards, Wilson.   and others


Miscellaneous Old Ilson Topics

A section of Old Ilson Relics, inspired by Andrew Knighton and his extensive collection of memorabilia connected with Ilkeston, including …..  The Knighton family 

Religion … and Death Travel, Trade and Business Leisure School Days … this is an ‘add-on’ page and includes contributions from several people, including Andrew Dave Ball’s family album The 1911 Coronation The Estate of Samuel Riley (1815-1876) Post-war Jackson Avenue

An Old Ilson Blog (a diary of events) 1851 onwards; an Old Ilson Quiz on the 1840’s and 1850’s; A summary section of the Comments made to the site Help, I need somebody … a place where anyone can post their Victorian Ilkeston problems

Finally …. Latest updates (self explanatory ?)